I made a mistake when I typed "Russian Front". I meant to type "Reserve Front".
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Thursday, November 5, 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
I have published 225 situation maps for the Russian Front (this is the Russian unit designation) during 1941. These are similar to the German Lage Ost maps but all the notations are in Cyrillic characters. The maps are located in the section "Русская секция". Both German and Russian positions are shown. If you compare both the German and Russian maps for the same days you will have an excellent perspective. These maps are very large so you may want to refer to the index.
I have published 225 situation maps for the Russian Front (this is the Russian unit designation) during 1941. These are similar to the German Lage Ost maps but all the notations are in Cyrillic characters. The maps are located in the section "Русская секция". Both German and Russian positions are shown. If you compare both the German and Russian maps for the same days you will have an excellent perspective. These maps are very large so you may want to refer to the index.
The following rolls were published today.
T-1022 R-3420 Unternehmen Ursula
T-1022 R-3432 6. R-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3433 6. R-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3434 5. u. 6. Raeumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3435 KTB 5. R-Flottille 1942
T-1022 R-3438 2.Überfall St. Nazaire-Gefechtsbericht Bismarck
T-1022 R-3460 1. Raeumboot-Flottilie
T-1022 R-3462 1. R-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3492 7. R-Flottille 1944
T-1022 R-3497 12. R Flo. a leicht
T-1022 R-3498 14.-17. Raeumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3499 21. u. 30. Raeumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3505 KTB's M-Boote und 9.R.-Flottille
T-1022 R-3507 KTB's M-Boote und 4.Sicherungsflottille
T-1022 R-3508 4.-5. und 6. Sicherungsflottille
T-1022 R-3515 2. u. 3. Raeumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3524 11. Raeumboot-Flottille
The following rolls were published today.
T-1022 R-3420 Unternehmen Ursula
T-1022 R-3432 6. R-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3433 6. R-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3434 5. u. 6. Raeumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3435 KTB 5. R-Flottille 1942
T-1022 R-3438 2.Überfall St. Nazaire-Gefechtsbericht Bismarck
T-1022 R-3460 1. Raeumboot-Flottilie
T-1022 R-3462 1. R-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3492 7. R-Flottille 1944
T-1022 R-3497 12. R Flo. a leicht
T-1022 R-3498 14.-17. Raeumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3499 21. u. 30. Raeumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3505 KTB's M-Boote und 9.R.-Flottille
T-1022 R-3507 KTB's M-Boote und 4.Sicherungsflottille
T-1022 R-3508 4.-5. und 6. Sicherungsflottille
T-1022 R-3515 2. u. 3. Raeumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3524 11. Raeumboot-Flottille
Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
The following rolls were published today.
T-311 R-106 HG Nord
T-1022 R-3203 14. u. 18. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3204 18. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3206 23. MS-Flottille-3. u. 7. Schnellboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3208 1. Schnellboot-Flottille-Carl Peters
T-1022 R-3235 Fuehrer der Zerstoerer 1.-3. Zerstoerer-Flottille
T-1022 R-3238 5. u. 6. Zerstoerer-Flottille
T-1022 R-3239 6. Zerstoerer-Flottille
T-1022 R-3240 8. Zerstoerer-Flottille
T-1022 R-3254 Fuehrer der Schnellboote 1. u. 2. Schnellboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3260 8. Schnellboot u. 31. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3289 Zerstoerer Heinemann-Roeder-Giese-Koellner-Steinbrinck
T-1022 R-3331 KueFlGr. 506 1941
T-1022 R-3335 Seeflieger KueFlGr. 906 5.196Transozean
T-1022 R-3336 Seeflieger und Luftwaffe
T-1022 R-3359 Bordfliegerkommandos 1.196
T-1022 R-3360 Seeflieger Bflgr. 1.196
T-1022 R-3361 Seeflieger 1.Bfl.St.196
T-1022 R-3327 Seeflieger u.a. KuestenFl.Gr. 106
T-1022 R-3328 Kue. Fl. Grp.106-Grp. 306
T-1022 R-3329 Kue.Fl.Gr. 306-506 und 806
The following rolls were published today.
T-311 R-106 HG Nord
T-1022 R-3203 14. u. 18. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3204 18. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3206 23. MS-Flottille-3. u. 7. Schnellboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3208 1. Schnellboot-Flottille-Carl Peters
T-1022 R-3235 Fuehrer der Zerstoerer 1.-3. Zerstoerer-Flottille
T-1022 R-3238 5. u. 6. Zerstoerer-Flottille
T-1022 R-3239 6. Zerstoerer-Flottille
T-1022 R-3240 8. Zerstoerer-Flottille
T-1022 R-3254 Fuehrer der Schnellboote 1. u. 2. Schnellboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3260 8. Schnellboot u. 31. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3289 Zerstoerer Heinemann-Roeder-Giese-Koellner-Steinbrinck
T-1022 R-3331 KueFlGr. 506 1941
T-1022 R-3335 Seeflieger KueFlGr. 906 5.196Transozean
T-1022 R-3336 Seeflieger und Luftwaffe
T-1022 R-3359 Bordfliegerkommandos 1.196
T-1022 R-3360 Seeflieger Bflgr. 1.196
T-1022 R-3361 Seeflieger 1.Bfl.St.196
T-1022 R-3327 Seeflieger u.a. KuestenFl.Gr. 106
T-1022 R-3328 Kue. Fl. Grp.106-Grp. 306
T-1022 R-3329 Kue.Fl.Gr. 306-506 und 806
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
The following rolls were published yesterday.
T-1022 R-3137 5. 13. u. 15. Landungs-Flottille-2. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3138 5. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3141 1. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3146 Fuehrer der Schnellboote
T-1022 R-3147 3. Schnellboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3150 9. S-Boot-Flottille-31. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3154 36.MS-Flottillie
T-1022 R-3168 4. M-Flottille 1939-1941
T-1022 R-3174 15. u. 22. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3177 25. MS-Flottille-1. Schnellboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3194 7. Minensuch-1. Landungs-Flottille
T-1022 R-3195 1. Landungs-5. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3197 3. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3200 8. u. 15. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3201 6. u. 15. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3232 diverse Zerstörer
T-1022 R-3314 diverse Zerstörer
The following rolls were published yesterday.
T-1022 R-3137 5. 13. u. 15. Landungs-Flottille-2. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3138 5. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3141 1. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3146 Fuehrer der Schnellboote
T-1022 R-3147 3. Schnellboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3150 9. S-Boot-Flottille-31. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3154 36.MS-Flottillie
T-1022 R-3168 4. M-Flottille 1939-1941
T-1022 R-3174 15. u. 22. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3177 25. MS-Flottille-1. Schnellboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3194 7. Minensuch-1. Landungs-Flottille
T-1022 R-3195 1. Landungs-5. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3197 3. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3200 8. u. 15. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3201 6. u. 15. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3232 diverse Zerstörer
T-1022 R-3314 diverse Zerstörer
Sunday, October 25, 2015
The following rolls were published yesterday.
T-1022 R-2469 D.M.K. Italien-Riviera
T-1022 R-2733 Kreuzer Koeln
T-1022 R-2829 5. Torpedoboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-2965 KTB 9. T-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-2966 9.T-Boot Flo. 1944
T-1022 R-2967 10. T-Boot Flottille-Führer d. T-Boote
T-1022 R-3023 KTB 3. und 5. T-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3024 KTB 5. T-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3050 KTB Schiff 24-26 und 28 HSK9 Michel
T-1022 R-3055 2. Minensuch-3. Landungs-Flottille
T-1022 R-3056 3. 21. u. 22. Landungs-Flottille
T-1022 R-3069 Landungs-Flottille
T-1022 R-3092 6. S-Flottille
T-1022 R-3096 34. u. 40 MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3111 T-Boote u. FdT Finnland
T-1022 R-3112 F. d. T.Boote in Finnland
The following rolls were published yesterday.
T-1022 R-2469 D.M.K. Italien-Riviera
T-1022 R-2733 Kreuzer Koeln
T-1022 R-2829 5. Torpedoboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-2965 KTB 9. T-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-2966 9.T-Boot Flo. 1944
T-1022 R-2967 10. T-Boot Flottille-Führer d. T-Boote
T-1022 R-3023 KTB 3. und 5. T-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3024 KTB 5. T-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3050 KTB Schiff 24-26 und 28 HSK9 Michel
T-1022 R-3055 2. Minensuch-3. Landungs-Flottille
T-1022 R-3056 3. 21. u. 22. Landungs-Flottille
T-1022 R-3069 Landungs-Flottille
T-1022 R-3092 6. S-Flottille
T-1022 R-3096 34. u. 40 MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3111 T-Boote u. FdT Finnland
T-1022 R-3112 F. d. T.Boote in Finnland
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