Thursday, November 12, 2015


I have published the following rolls today.

T-1022 R-3714 4. u. 6. Vorpostenflottille
T-1022 R-3715 6. Vp.-Flottille
T-1022 R-3716 6. Vp. Flottille
T-1022 R-3726 9. u. 11. Vorposten-Flottille
T-1022 R-3739 19. u. 53. Vorposten-Flottille
T-1022 R-3740 55. 57. u. 59. Vorposten-Flottille
T-1022 R-3742 Admiral östliche Ostsee
T-1022 R-3764 U-Boote MOK Norwegen
T-1022 R-3765 MOK Norwegen
T-1022 R-3766 12. U-Jagd-Flottille
T-1022 R-3791 63. Vp-Flottille 1944-1945
T-1022 R-3796 22. U-Jagd-Flottillie
T-1022 R-3798 U-Jäger
T-1022 R-3802 3. Vp. Flottille



Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I have published the following roll:

T-354 R-173 SS Standarte Kurt Eggers 1940-1945



Sunday, November 8, 2015


I published the following rolls today.

T-1022 R-2640 F.d.M. Ost 1944
T-1022 R-2641 F.d.M. Ost 1944
T-1022 R-2646 Marinebefehlshaber Admiral Ostland
T-1022 R-2651 Kommandant i. Abschn. Wesermünde 1940
T-1022 R-3138 5. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3155 36. Minensuch-Flottille 1944
T-1022 R-3205 18. u. 23. MS-Flottille
T-1022 R-3287 8. Zerstörer-Flottille-Arnim-A. Schmitt
T-1022 R-3288 Zerstörer v. Arnim und Zerstörer B. Heinemann
T-1022 R-3297 Zerstörer H. Schoemann und K. Galster
T-1022 R-3436 5. Räumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3491 7. Räumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3506 diverse M-Boote
T-1022 R-3523 11. Räumboot-Flottille
T-1022 R-3559 9. Sicherungsdivision 1944
T-1022 R-3560 9. Sicherungsdivision 1944
T-1022 R-3561 9. Sicherungsdivision 1944-1945
T-1022 R-3577 4. 14. und 24. Sperrbrecher-Flottille



I have published a section titled "Great Britain Maps and Sketches-Photos".  It is under Diverse Karten.
They were published by the OKH from 1941 to 1942. The following are the publications I have to date. There will be more to follow.

Mappe 1. The Border
Mappe 2. Noerdliches Zentralgebiet
Mappe 3. Nordost England
Mappe 4. Nord-Wales und Manchester
Mappe 6. Nord-Midlands
Mappe 7. Sued-Wales
Mappe 8. Midlands
Mil.-Geo England Maps Copy Extract



Saturday, November 7, 2015


I published the following rolls yesterday.

T-1022 R-3432 6. R-Boot Flottille
T-1022 R-3533 1. u. 2. Sicherungs-Division
T-1022 R-3540 2. Sicherungsdivision
T-1022 R-3541 2. u. 3. Sicherungs-Division
T-1022 R-3579 Trsp. Flo. 1 bis 6
T-1022 R-3611 MAA diverse - 3. u. 4. Ari.Tr.Flo
T-1022 R-3625 6. Küstensicherungsverband - 4. u. 6. Landungsflottille
T-1022 R-3626 10.-11.-13. u. 14. Landungs und 2. - 4. Minensuch-Flottille
T-1022 R-3629 Bordflak-Abteilung 31 und Flakabteilung 214
T-1022 R-3664 12. und 21. U-Jg.Flottille
T-1022 R-3665-U-Jg.Flo.-06.43-03.44
T-1022 R-3666 21. U-Jagd Flottille und 3. Vp.-Flottille
T-1022 R-3675 1.-2.-3. u.12. Ujagd-Flottille
T-1022 R-3679 14. U-Jagd-Flottille
T-1022 R-3683 U-Jaeger
T-1022 R-3703 11. U-Jagd-Flottille
T-1022 R-3704 11. U-Jagd Flottille
T-1022 R-3705 11. U-Jagd Flottille
T-1022 R-3713 4. Vp. Flottille



Thursday, November 5, 2015


I have published 340 situation maps for the Western Front during 1941. This is the second folder containing Western Front maps. 



I made a mistake when I typed "Russian Front".  I meant to type "Reserve Front".

