Thursday, June 7, 2018


I posted the following roll today.

Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria 1941-1944



Monday, May 7, 2018


I posted the following rolls today:

T-1022 R-3770 17. U-Jagdflottille, Norwegen
T-1022 R-4262 MGK SΒd



Wednesday, April 11, 2018


I posted the following roll today:

T-311 R-184 HG E 1944

​I think all the rolls for HG E held by NARA are on my server.



Tuesday, April 10, 2018


I posted the following rolls today:

T-311 R-176 HG E 1943
T-311 R-177 HG E Mitte 1944
T-311 R-179 HG E 1944
T-311 R-181 HG E 1944
T-311 R-185 HG E Ende 1944
T-311 R-186 HG E Ende 1944



Sunday, April 8, 2018


I posted the following rolls today.

T-311 R-173 HG E 1943
T-311 R-174 HG E 1944



Friday, January 12, 2018


I published the following rolls today:

T-78 R-784 Zentralabteilung - Ranglisten - Stellenbesetzungen 1939 - 1940
T-283 R-32 Dienstvorschriften
T-283 R-54 Dienstvorschriften
T-311 R-236 HG A
T-312 R-969 AOK 18
T-312 R-1025 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1027 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1058 Geb-AOK 20
T-313 R-418 Pz-AOK 5
T-314 R-685 XXIII.AK
T-315 R-51 1.Geb-Div
T-315 R-100 2.Geb-Div
T-354 R-225 (LSSAH)



Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:

The following rolls were posted today.

T-77 R-954 Personalveranderungen

T-78 R-110

T-78 R-784 (Zentralabteilung - 1939 - 1940)

T-312 R-1025 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1029 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1030 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1039 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1040 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1047 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1048 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1049 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1054 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1055 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1056 Geb-AOK 20
T-312 R-1066 Geb-AOK 20

T-315 R-1516 170.ID
T-315 R-1517 170.ID
T-315 R-1652
T-315 R-1656 218.ID

T-354 R-150 T-354 10.SS Pz-Div (Frundesberg)

T-501 R-236 (Befehlshaber Krim)
T-501 R-237 (Befehlshaber Krim)
T-501 R-234 (Befehlshaber Krim u. Rostow

John Calvin